There are a few common questions and gotchas when using fop2 on a FreePBX server using ssl.
The symptom is simple you cant connect and at the bottom left if tels you that it cant connect over websockets to port 4445 and will finally time out saying Flash is required.. None of this is awfully helpful to be honest.
But the fix is simple and its a shame by default its not this .
In your fop2.cfg file local the lines below and edit them so they match .
It maybe that your certificate names aren’t as below, In that case substitute webserver.XXX with the correct file names.
; If you access fop2 via https, browsers will try to use wss (Secure ; web sockets) and for that it requires a certificate file and key file, ; the same ones you have in your web server configuration. Be sure to ; specify the correct certificates, the defaults are the ones for a ; regular Centos installation: ; ssl_certificate_file=/etc/httpd/pki/webserver.crt ssl_certificate_key_file=/etc/httpd/pki/webserver.key ;ssl_certificate_file=/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt ;ssl_certificate_key_file=/etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key
Thats its. Fop2 will now work over HTTPS