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FreeStats is a re-write and expansion of the original call center stats package from Asternic giving it a fresh look and some additional features requested by users including CDRs, Search and Administrator login.

The statistics are now ‘live’ as the system uses mysql storage of queue records and not the parsing of the logfile that in the case of the original package had to be “Cron’d”

The screenshots of the package here show the refreshed user interface and additional pages.

The Search function lets you search the DB for the call uniqueID or callerID number then displaying all items in the queue logs and the realtime page is rewritten to work with modern Asterisk versions and the updated versions of AMI and Ajam for control of agents.

The package for downloading includes full installation instructions that can be viewed here and sql file for creating the mysql DB. An additional option is to limit access to the application by changing the config.php so that the Administrator logins can be used for allowing access to the system.

The code is opensource and your free to make changes or if you like it consider buying me a coffee.

Download the Source here