We offer an economical solution for end users and resellers to monitor their Asterisk and Linux servers.
Our platform monitors servers 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Hosted in a state of the art US based data centre with connections to major UK data centres and multiple connections to the internet.
We offer different levels of monitoring from simple uptime and email alerts to system load, disk space and channel usage with email and SMS notification. Web panel and firefox/Chrome plugin available to all levels to view system status.
The service is primarily aimed at Asterisk based IPPBX server but we can monitor other Linux based servers and Mitel systems as well. Our checks on Asterisk servers were customised by us to allow easy and secure deployment as we only require SSH access to make checks and this is secured by server keys.
Service levels
Silver Level £10 setup – £2.50 per month £25.00 per year
- Single Server, 4 services from list below & email alerts.
- Ping test
- SIP/IAX Peer availability
- Asterisk channels
- ISDN availability
- Disk Space
- System Load
- Heartbeat Status
- SIP/IAX2 registration status
- Mitel SNMP Alarm status
Gold Level £10 setup per server – £5.00 per month £50.00 per year
- Upto 2 Servers, 4 services per server, email and SMS alerts by subscription
In addition to the silver list:-
- Asterisk Database status
- Custom checks, (cost for design may be inured)
Additional options.
SMS alerts by arrangement, if using Gradwell Numbers and outbound we can integrate with the SMS API
Extra contact £5 setup
Extra server £10 setup £2.50 per month £25 per year
Extra service £5 setup £0.50 per month £5 per year
Partner options are available, Please contact us for details. Pdf download cymon